Savy Design Font Alternatives
Our signs and letterboxes typically involve lasercutting text in stainless steel plates, and we can do this in almost any font. While there are almost limitless fonts available for download from the web, some popular font choices are shown below:

About Fonts:
There are 3 basic classifications of fonts:
There are 3 basic classifications of fonts:
- Serif fonts
- Sans Serif fonts
- Script fonts
Serif fonts are based on older typefaces and are therefore more suited to traditional style environments.
Goudi Old Style serif font used for 'Martinstraat'
Sans Serif fonts are based on modern typefaces with the letters squared off and geometrically shaped, and are therefore more suited
to modern architecture.
Sans Serif font used for 'Kamdeboo'
Script fonts are based on handwriting styles and range from
extremely formal to extremely informal. They also come in calligraphic
form where the letters are linked together. They would typically be used
where a sense of informality is desired.
Script font 'Mistral' used for 'Milkwood'